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- 走歪的工程師James
English Version
Linus tech tips has been one of the main channels I watch as a source of immersion content since 2015. But as I've gradually grown out of tech content and "processed" content that are carefully edited, the only thing I watch from them has become LMG clips videos.
As you grow as a person, tastes and interests may come and go, but what stays is the connection and personal history you have with the creator, and staying updated with them just gives a sense of nostalgia and of satisfaction.
This is also one of the things I make a point of when creating content: I always try to leave a history of how my life has been progressing and not just giving information. Information is not "living" and has no character. Information will continue to become less and less valuable as AIs make information more and more easily available for access.
As I go through my life and document the process, this history created along the way will assume value once the results start to become visible.
It is a shame that with most successes, only the results are recognized when the process is the true essential components that led to the results. And even if you value the process, it is often already lost forever, and can only be conveyed through words. Seeing the process live is much, much more powerful. I say this because I've seen it firsthand.
Anyway, that's enough talking. Time to get to work! Solo report ep2 is coming tomorrow on my patreon page. Stay tuned!
還記得我2015年剛開始學英文的時候,Linus Tech Tips是我當時最長看的頻道,當時還在很初始的階段。不過隨著人生不斷往前進,對科技產品也慢慢沒那麼有興趣了。現在也慢慢比較不太看精緻、剪輯過的影片。反而偏好比較原始,沒什麼修飾的內容。現在唯一偶爾會看的反而是LMG clips。(他們直播聊天的部分片段)。